Teeth Whitening
Think back to the last time you parted your lips to reveal white teeth that look amazing. If you are like most people, it has been years or even decades since your teeth were a lovely shade of white. Thankfully, professional teeth whitening is available at Inner Brightness Dental Practice. Reach out to us today to schedule your teeth whitening and it won’t be long until your teeth look light, bright and beautiful.
The teeth whitening process begins with a recording of the shade of the teeth prior to whitening. The teeth are polished with pumice, rinsed and suctioned. Cheek retractors are used to ensure the lips and cheeks do not come into contact with the whitening solution. A gingival barrier is added to the lower and upper teeth so the gums are not contacted by the whitening solution. The teeth are dried prior to the application of a curing light. The curing light is used in a fanning motion, ensuring the gingival barrier sets and hardens.
A small brush is used to add the whitening gel to the front surface of the teeth displayed when smiling. The gel remains on the teeth for several minutes prior to removal. The gel will be reapplied as necessary to whiten your teeth to your selected shade. The gel is then removed, the barriers are taken out of the mouth and your newly-whitened teeth are ready to be put on display in public settings. You will be quite impressed when you compare the before and afterimages of your teeth prior to and following teeth whitening.